Actor Models

Lily relational data format is defined according to the following models, each corresponding to a table. These tables are for builtin actors.

Raw Actor States


Actors on chain that were added or updated at an epoch. Associates the actor’s state root CID (head) with the chain state root CID from which it descends. Includes account ID nonce, balance and state data at each state.

  • Task: actor
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
idtextNOActor address.
codetextNOHuman readable identifier for the type of the actor.
headtextNOCID of the root of the state tree for the actor.
noncebigintNOThe next actor nonce that is expected to appear on chain.
balancetextNOActor balance in attoFIL.
state_roottextNOCID of the state root.
heightbigintNOEpoch when this actor was created or updated.
statejsonbNOTop level of state data.

Builtin Actor Event


This table provides the events of built-in actors at each epoch, but it is very important to note that it does not include the operations of the cron actor. Therefore, events like sector-terminated and deal-activated are only subsets of all events.

  • Task: builtin_actor_event
  • Network Range: [v22 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [3855360 - )

Supported events include:

  • verifier-balance
  • allocation
  • allocation-removed
  • claim
  • claim-updated
  • claim-removed
  • deal-published
  • deal-activated
  • deal-terminated
  • deal-completed
  • sector-precommitted
  • sector-activated
  • sector-updated
  • sector-terminated
heightbigintNOEpoch when the event was created or updated.
cidtextYESContent identifier related to the event.
emittertextYESIdentifier of the entity that emitted the event.
event_typetextYESType or category of the event.
event_entriesjsonbYESJSON array containing entries related to the event.
event_idx .bigintYESEvent index at the specific height.
event_payloadjsonbYESConvert the event_entries into key-value pairs.

DataCap Actor


DataCap on-chain per each DataCap balance state change.

  • Task: data_cap_balance
  • Network Range: [v17 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [2383680 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch when this actors balances map was modified.
state_roottextNOStateRoot when this actor balances map was modified.
addresstextNOAddress of the actor whose balance was created or modified.
data_capnumericNODatacap (Tokenized StoragePower) of the actor with address after it was created or modified.
eventADDED, MODIFIED, or REMOVEDNOEvent identifying how an actors balance was modified. (One of: ADDED, REMOVED,MODIFIED)

Init Actor


Mapping of IDs to robust addresses from the init actor’s state.

  • Task: id_addresses
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this address mapping was added.
idtextNOID of the actor.
addresstextNORobust address of the actor.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at which this address mapping was added.

Storage Market Actor


All storage deal states with latest values applied to end_epoch when updates are detected on-chain.

  • Task: market_deal_proposal
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
deal_idbigintNOIdentifier for the deal.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root for this deal.
piece_cidtextNOCID of a sector piece. A Piece is an object that represents a whole or part of a File.
padded_piece_sizebigintNOThe piece size in bytes with padding.
unpadded_piece_sizebigintNOThe piece size in bytes without padding.
is_verifiedbooleanNODeal is with a verified provider.
client_idtextNOAddress of the actor proposing the deal.
provider_idtextNOAddress of the actor providing the services.
start_epochbigintNOThe epoch at which this deal with begin. Storage deal must appear in a sealed (proven) sector no later than start_epoch, otherwise it is invalid.
end_epochbigintNOThe epoch at which this deal with end.
storage_price_per_epochtextNOThe amount of FIL (in attoFIL) that will be transferred from the client to the provider every epoch this deal is active for.
provider_collateraltextNOThe amount of FIL (in attoFIL) the provider has pledged as collateral. The Provider deal collateral is only slashed when a sector is terminated before the deal expires.
client_collateraltextNOThe amount of FIL (in attoFIL) the client has pledged as collateral.
labeltextYESAn arbitrary client chosen label to apply to the deal.
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this deal proposal was added or changed.
is_stringbooleanYESWhen true Label contains a valid UTF-8 string encoded in base64. When false Label contains raw bytes encoded in base64. Required by FIP: 27


All storage deal state transitions detected on-chain.

  • Task: market_deal_state
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
deal_idbigintNOIdentifier for the deal.
sector_start_epochbigintNOEpoch this deal was included in a proven sector. -1 if not yet included in proven sector.
last_update_epochbigintNOEpoch this deal was last updated at. -1 if deal state never updated.
slash_epochbigintNOEpoch this deal was slashed at. -1 if deal was never slashed.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root for this deal.
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this deal was added or changed.

Storage Miner Actor


The miner_actor_dumps table serves as a repository for capturing the full dump of the status of miner at specific block heights.

  • Task: miner_actor_dump
  • Network Range: [v17 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [2383680 - )
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root.
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner.
miner_addresstextNORobust Address of the miner.
owner_idtextNOAddress of actor designated as the owner. The owner address is the address that created the miner, paid the collateral, and has block rewards paid out to it.
owner_addresstextNORobust Address of actor designated as the owner.
worker_idtextNOAddress of actor designated as the worker.
worker_addresstextNORobust Address of actor designated as the worker.
consensus_faulted_elapsedbigintNOThe next epoch this miner is eligible for certain permissioned actor methods and winning block elections as a result of being reported for a consensus fault.
peer_idtextNOCurrent libp2p Peer ID of the miner.
control_addressesjsonbNOJSON array of control addresses. Control addresses are used to submit WindowPoSts proofs to the chain.
beneficiarytextNOAddress of the beneficiary. The beneficiary is set to the same address of Owner when initiating a miner without specifying a beneficiary address (for back-compatibility).
beneficiary_addresstextNORobust Address of the beneficiary.
sector_sizebigintNOSize of a sector.
num_live_sectorsbigintNOThe number of live sectors.
raw_bytes_powernumericNOThe storage power in bytes.
quality_adj_powernumericNOThe quality adjusted storage power in bytes.
total_locked_fundsnumericNOvesting funds + initial pledge + PreCommit deposits.
vesting_fundsnumericNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) locked due to vesting.
initial_pledgenumericNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) locked due to it being pledged as collateral. When a Miner ProveCommits a Sector, they must supply an “initial pledge” for the Sector, which acts as collateral.
pre_commit_depositsnumericNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) locked due to it being used as a PreCommit deposit. When a Miner PreCommits a Sector, they must supply a “precommit deposit” for the Sector, which acts as collateral.
available_balancenumericNObalance - total_locked_funds.
balancenumericNOMiner balance in attoFIL.
fee_debtnumericNOAbsolute value of debt this miner owes from unpaid fees in attoFIL.
termination_feenumericNOA penalty imposed when a sector is prematurely terminated in attoFIL.


  • Task: miner_beneficiary
  • Network Range: [v17 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [2383680 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this beneficiary was added or change.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at which this beneficiary was added or change.
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner this beneficiary relates to.
beneficiarytextNOAddress of the beneficiary. The beneficiary is set to the same address of Owner when initiating a miner without specifying a beneficiary address (for back-compatibility).
quotanumericNOQuota of the beneficiary.
used_quotenumericNOQuota currently used by the beneficiary.
expirationbigintNOEpoch at which the beneficiary expired.
new_beneficiarytextNOAddress of a proposed beneficiary.
new_quotanumericNOQuota of proposed beneficiary.
new_expirationbigintNOExpiration epoch of proposed beneficiary.
approved_by_beneficiarybooleanNOIf new_beneficiary, new_quota and new_expiration are approved by beneficiary.
approved_by_nomineebooleanNOIf new_beneficiary, new_quota and new_expiration are approved by nominee.


Deadline refers to the window during which proofs may be submitted.

  • Task: miner_current_deadline_info
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this info was calculated.
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner this info relates to.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
deadline_indexbigintNOA deadline index, in [0..d.WPoStProvingPeriodDeadlines) unless period elapsed.
period_startbigintNOFirst epoch of the proving period (<= CurrentEpoch).
openbigintNOFirst epoch from which a proof may be submitted (>= CurrentEpoch).
closebigintNOFirst epoch from which a proof may no longer be submitted (>= Open).
challengebigintNOEpoch at which to sample the chain for challenge (< Open).
fault_cutoffbigintNOFirst epoch at which a fault declaration is rejected (< Open).


Miner debts per epoch from unpaid fees.

  • Task: miner_fee_debt
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this debt applies.
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner that owes fees.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
fee_debtnumericNOAbsolute value of debt this miner owes from unpaid fees in attoFIL.


Miner Account IDs for all associated addresses plus peer ID. See for more information.

  • Task: miner_info
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this miner info was added/changed.
miner_idtextNOAddress of miner this info applies to.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
owner_idtextNOAddress of actor designated as the owner. The owner address is the address that created the miner, paid the collateral, and has block rewards paid out to it.
worker_idtextNOAddress of actor designated as the worker. The worker is responsible for doing all of the work, submitting proofs, committing new sectors, and all other day to day activities.
new_workertextYESAddress of a new worker address that will become effective at worker_change_epoch.
worker_change_epochbigintNOEpoch at which a new_worker address will become effective.
consensus_faulted_elapsedbigintNOThe next epoch this miner is eligible for certain permissioned actor methods and winning block elections as a result of being reported for a consensus fault.
peer_idtextYESCurrent libp2p Peer ID of the miner.
control_addressesjsonbYESJSON array of control addresses. Control addresses are used to submit WindowPoSts proofs to the chain. WindowPoSt is the mechanism through which storage is verified in Filecoin and is required by miners to submit proofs for all sectors every 24 hours. Those proofs are submitted as messages to the blockchain and therefore need to pay the respective fees.
multi_addressesjsonbYESJSON array of multiaddrs at which this miner can be reached.


Details of Miner funds locked and unavailable for use.

  • Task: miner_locked_fund
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at which these details were added/changed.
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner these details apply to.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
locked_fundsnumericNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) locked due to vesting. When a Miner receives tokens from block rewards, the tokens are locked and added to the Miner’s vesting table to be unlocked linearly over some future epochs.
initial_pledgenumericNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) locked due to it being pledged as collateral. When a Miner ProveCommits a Sector, they must supply an “initial pledge” for the Sector, which acts as collateral. If the Sector is terminated, this deposit is removed and burned along with rewards earned by this sector up to a limit.
pre_commit_depositsnumericNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) locked due to it being used as a PreCommit deposit. When a Miner PreCommits a Sector, they must supply a “precommit deposit” for the Sector, which acts as collateral. If the Sector is not ProveCommitted on time, this deposit is removed and burned.


Information on sector PreCommits.

  • Task: miner_pre_commit_info
  • Network Range: [v0 - v16]
  • Epoch Range: [0 - 2383680)
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner who owns the sector.
sector_idbigintNONumeric identifier for the sector.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
sealed_cidtextNOCID of the sealed sector.
seal_rand_epochbigintYESSeal challenge epoch. Epoch at which randomness should be drawn to tie Proof-of-Replication to a chain.
expiration_epochbigintYESEpoch this sector expires.
pre_commit_depositnumericNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) used as a PreCommit deposit. If the Sector is not ProveCommitted on time, this deposit is removed and burned.
pre_commit_epochbigintYESEpoch this PreCommit was created.
deal_weightnumericNOTotal space*time of submitted deals.
verified_deal_weightnumericNOTotal space*time of submitted verified deals.
is_replace_capacitybooleanYESWhether to replace a “committed capacity” no-deal sector (requires non-empty DealIDs).
replace_sector_deadlinebigintYESThe deadline location of the sector to replace.
replace_sector_partitionbigintYESThe partition location of the sector to replace.
replace_sector_numberbigintYESID of the committed capacity sector to replace.
heightbigintNOEpoch this PreCommit information was added/changed.


Information on sector PreCommits for actors v9+ and above.

  • Task: miner_pre_commit_info
  • Network Range: [v17 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [2383680 - )
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner who owns the sector.
sector_idbigintNONumeric identifier for the sector.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
sealed_cidtextNOCID of the sealed sector.
seal_rand_epochbigintYESSeal challenge epoch. Epoch at which randomness should be drawn to tie Proof-of-Replication to a chain.
expiration_epochbigintYESEpoch this sector expires.
pre_commit_depositnumericNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) used as a PreCommit deposit. If the Sector is not ProveCommitted on time, this deposit is removed and burned.
pre_commit_epochbigintYESEpoch this PreCommit was created.
deal_weightnumericNOTotal space*time of submitted deals.
verified_deal_weightnumericNOTotal space*time of submitted verified deals.
is_replace_capacitybooleanYESWhether to replace a “committed capacity” no-deal sector (requires non-empty DealIDs).
replace_sector_deadlinebigintYESThe deadline location of the sector to replace.
replace_sector_partitionbigintYESThe partition location of the sector to replace.
replace_sector_numberbigintYESID of the committed capacity sector to replace.
heightbigintNOEpoch this PreCommit information was added/changed.


Mapping of Deal IDs to their respective Miner and Sector IDs.

  • Task: miner_sector_deal_v2
  • Network Range: [v22 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [3855360 - )
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner the deal is with.
sector_idbigintNONumeric identifier of the sector the deal is for.
deal_idbigintNONumeric identifier for the deal.
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this deal was added/updated.


Sector events on-chain per Miner/Sector.

  • Task: miner_sector_event
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner who owns the sector.
sector_idbigintNONumeric identifier of the sector.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this event occurred.


Latest state of sectors by Miner for actors v7 and above.

  • Task: miner_sector_infos_v7
  • Network Range: [v15 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [1594680 - )
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner who owns the sector.
sector_idbigintNONumeric identifier of the sector.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
sealed_cidtextNOThe root CID of the Sealed Sector’s merkle tree. Also called CommR, or “replica commitment”.
activation_epochbigintYESEpoch during which the sector proof was accepted.
expiration_epochbigintYESEpoch during which the sector expires.
deal_weightnumericNOIntegral of active deals over sector lifetime.
verified_deal_weightnumericNOIntegral of active verified deals over sector lifetime.
initial_pledgenumericNOPledge collected to commit this sector (in attoFIL).
expected_day_rewardnumericNOExpected one day projection of reward for sector computed at activation time (in attoFIL).
expected_storage_pledgenumericNOExpected twenty day projection of reward for sector computed at activation time (in attoFIL).
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this sector info was added/updated.
sector_key_cidtextYESSealedSectorCID is set when CC sector is snapped.
replaced_day_rewardnumericNODay reward of this sector before its power was most recently updated (in attoFIL).
power_base_epochbigintNOEpoch at which this sector’s power was most recently updated.


Latest state of sectors by Miner.

  • Task: miner_sector_infos
  • Network Range: [v0 - v14]
  • Epoch Range: [0 - 1594680)
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner who owns the sector.
sector_idbigintNONumeric identifier of the sector.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
sealed_cidtextNOThe root CID of the Sealed Sector’s merkle tree. Also called CommR, or “replica commitment”.
activation_epochbigintYESEpoch during which the sector proof was accepted.
expiration_epochbigintYESEpoch during which the sector expires.
deal_weightnumericNOIntegral of active deals over sector lifetime.
verified_deal_weightnumericNOIntegral of active verified deals over sector lifetime.
initial_pledgenumericNOPledge collected to commit this sector (in attoFIL).
expected_day_rewardnumericNOExpected one day projection of reward for sector computed at activation time (in attoFIL).
expected_storage_pledgenumericNOExpected twenty day projection of reward for sector computed at activation time (in attoFIL).
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this sector info was added/updated.


Proof of Spacetime for sectors.

  • Task: miner_sector_post
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner who owns the sector.
sector_idbigintNONumeric identifier of the sector.
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this PoSt message was executed.
post_message_cidtextYESCID of the PoSt message.

MultiSig Actor


Message Transactions approved by Multsig Actors.

  • Task: multisig_approvals
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightEpoch at which this transaction was executed.
multisig_idAddress of the multisig actor involved in the transaction.
state_rootCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
transaction_idNumber identifier for the transaction - unique per multisig.
toAddress of the recipient who will be sent a message if the proposal is approved.
valueAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) that will be transferred if the proposal is approved.
methodThe method number to invoke on the recipient if the proposal is approved. Only unique to the actor the method is being invoked on. A method number of 0 is a plain token transfer - no method execution.


Details of pending transactions involving multisig actors.

  • Task: multisig_transaction
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this transaction was executed.
multisig_idtextNOAddress of the multisig actor involved in the transaction.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
transaction_idbigintNONumber identifier for the transaction - unique per multisig.
totextNOAddress of the recipient who will be sent a message if the proposal is approved.
valuetextNOAmount of FIL (in attoFIL) that will be transferred if the proposal is approved.
methodbigintNOThe method number to invoke on the recipient if the proposal is approved. Only unique to the actor the method is being invoked on. A method number of 0 is a plain token transfer - no method execution.
paramsbyteaYESCBOR encoded bytes of parameters to send to the method that will be invoked if the proposal is approved.
approvedjsonbNOAddresses of signers who have approved the transaction. 0th entry is the proposer.

Power Actor


Power summaries from the Power actor.

  • Task: chain_power
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root.
total_raw_bytes_powernumericNOTotal storage power in bytes in the network. Raw byte power is the size of a sector in bytes.
total_raw_bytes_committednumericNOTotal provably committed storage power in bytes. Raw byte power is the size of a sector in bytes.
total_qa_bytes_powernumericNOTotal quality adjusted storage power in bytes in the network. Quality adjusted power is a weighted average of the quality of its space and it is based on the size, duration and quality of its deals.
total_qa_bytes_committednumericNOTotal provably committed, quality adjusted storage power in bytes. Quality adjusted power is a weighted average of the quality of its space and it is based on the size, duration and quality of its deals.
total_pledge_collateralnumericNOTotal locked FIL (attoFIL) miners have pledged as collateral in order to participate in the economy.
qa_smoothed_position_estimatenumericNOTotal power smoothed position estimate - Alpha Beta Filter “position” (value) estimate in Q.128 format.
qa_smoothed_velocity_estimatenumericNOTotal power smoothed velocity estimate - Alpha Beta Filter “velocity” (rate of change of value) estimate in Q.128 format.
miner_countbigintYESTotal number of miners.
participating_miner_countbigintYESTotal number of miners with power above the minimum miner threshold.
heightbigintNOEpoch this power summary applies to.


Miner power claims recorded by the power actor.

  • Task: power_actor_claim
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch this claim was made.
miner_idtextNOAddress of miner making the claim.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
raw_byte_powernumericNOSum of raw byte storage power for a miner’s sectors. Raw byte power is the size of a sector in bytes.
quality_adj_powernumericNOSum of quality adjusted storage power for a miner’s sectors. Quality adjusted power is a weighted average of the quality of its space and it is based on the size, duration and quality of its deals.

Reward Actor


Reward summaries from the Reward actor.

  • Task: chain_reward
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root.
cum_sum_baselinenumericNOTarget that CumsumRealized needs to reach for EffectiveNetworkTime to increase. It is measured in byte-epochs (space * time) representing power committed to the network for some duration.
cum_sum_realizednumericNOCumulative sum of network power capped by BaselinePower(epoch). It is measured in byte-epochs (space * time) representing power committed to the network for some duration.
effective_baseline_powernumericNOThe baseline power (in bytes) at the EffectiveNetworkTime epoch.
new_baseline_powernumericNOThe baseline power (in bytes) the network is targeting.
new_reward_smoothed_position_estimatenumericNOSmoothed reward position estimate - Alpha Beta Filter “position” (value) estimate in Q.128 format.
new_reward_smoothed_velocity_estimatenumericNOSmoothed reward velocity estimate - Alpha Beta Filter “velocity” (rate of change of value) estimate in Q.128 format.
total_mined_rewardnumericNOThe total FIL (attoFIL) awarded to block miners.
new_rewardnumericYESThe reward to be paid in per WinCount to block producers. The actual reward total paid out depends on the number of winners in any round. This value is recomputed every non-null epoch and used in the next non-null epoch.
effective_network_timebigintYESCeiling of real effective network time “theta” based on CumsumBaselinePower(theta) == CumsumRealizedPower. Theta captures the notion of how much the network has progressed in its baseline and in advancing network time.
heightbigintNOEpoch this rewards summary applies to.

Verified Registry Actor


Verifier on-chain per each verifier state change.

  • Task: verified_registry_verifier
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this verifiers state changed.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
addresstextNOAddress of verifier this state change applies to.
data_capnumericNODataCap of verifier at this state change.
eventUSER-DEFINEDNOName of the event that occurred.


Verifier on-chain per each verified client state change.

  • Task: verified_registry_verified_client
  • Network Range: [v0 - v16]
  • Epoch Range: [0 - 2383680)
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this verified client state changed.
state_roottextNOCID of the parent state root at this epoch.
addresstextNOAddress of verified client this state change applies to.
data_capnumericNODataCap of verified client at this state change.
eventUSER-DEFINEDNOName of the event that occurred.

FEVM Actor


FEVM Actor related statistical data.

  • Task: fevm_actor_stats
  • Network Range: [v18 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [2683348 - )
contract_balancetextNOBalance of EVM actor in attoFIL
eth_account_balancetextNOBalance of ETH account actor in attoFIL.
placeholder_balancetextNOBalance of Placeholder Actor in attoFIL.
contract_countbigintNONumber of contracts
unique_contract_countbigintNONumber of unique contracts
eth_account_countbigintNONumber of ETH account actors
placeholder_countbigintNONumber of placeholder actors


  • Task: fevm_actor_dump
  • Network Range: [v18 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [2683348 - )

The fevm_actor_dumps table serves as a repository for capturing the full dump of the status of various actors associated with the FEVM at specific block heights. These actors encompass three main categories: evm, ethaccount, and placeholder.

actor_idtextNOActor Filecoin address.
eth_addresstextNOActor ETH address.
byte_codetextYESContract Bytecode. null when actor is ethaccount or placeholder.
byte_code_hashtextYESContract Bytecode is encoded in hash by Keccak256. null when actor is ethaccount or placeholder
balancenumericNOBalance of EVM actor in attoFIL.
noncebigintNOThe next actor nonce that is expected to appear on chain.
actor_nametextNOHuman-readable identifier of actor.


The table is designed to maintain a comprehensive record of changes made to contracts in the FEVM system. This table captures both the creation of new contracts and any subsequent updates or modifications made to existing contracts.

  • Task: fevm_contract
  • Network Range: [v18 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [2683348 - )
heightbigintNOEpoch at contract was added or changed.
actor_idtextNOActor Filecoin address.
eth_addresstextNOActor ETH address.
byte_codetextNOContract Bytecode.
byte_code_hashtextNOContract Bytecode is encoded in hash by Keccak256.
balancenumericNOBalance of EVM actor in attoFIL.
noncebigintNOThe next actor nonce that is expected to appear on chain.



Actor states that were changed at an epoch. Associates actors states as single-level trees with CIDs pointing to complete state tree with the root CID (head) for that actor’s state.

  • Task: actor_state
  • Network Range: [v0 - v∞)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - )
headtextNOCID of the root of the state tree for the actor.
codetextNOCID identifier for the type of the actor.
statejsonbNOTop level of state data.
heightbigintNOEpoch when this state change happened.


Mapping of Deal IDs to their respective Miner and Sector IDs.

  • Task: miner_sector_deal
  • Network Range: [v0 - v21)
  • Epoch Range: [0 - 3855360)
miner_idtextNOAddress of the miner the deal is with.
sector_idbigintNONumeric identifier of the sector the deal is for.
deal_idbigintNONumeric identifier for the deal.
heightbigintNOEpoch at which this deal was added/updated.