Lily data dumps

The Sentinel team provides data dumps as produced by Lily so that users do not need to re-process the Filecoin chain (a slow process). The dumps can be imported into your database or tooling of choice.

Latest data dump

The following is a snapshot of what is available as of 2023-01-06:

Last epoch: 2456879 (2022-12-25 EOD)
Total Size: 2.4TiB
  - actor_states
  - actors
  - block_headers
  - block_messages
  - block_parents
  - chain_consensus
  - chain_economics
  - chain_powers
  - chain_rewards
  - derived_gas_outputs
  - drand_block_entries
  - id_addresses
  - internal_messages
  - internal_parsed_messages
  - market_deal_proposals
  - market_deal_states
  - message_gas_economy
  - messages
  - miner_current_deadline_infos
  - miner_fee_debts
  - miner_infos
  - miner_locked_funds
  - miner_pre_commit_infos
  - miner_sector_deals
  - miner_sector_events
  - miner_sector_infos
  - miner_sector_posts
  - multisig_approvals
  - multisig_transactions
  - parsed_messages
  - power_actor_claims
  - receipts
  - verified_registry_verified_clients
  - verified_registry_verifiers
  - mainnet
Last epoch: 1160759 (2022-07-26 EOD)
Total Size: 9.7GiB
  - actor_states
  - actors
  - block_headers
  - block_messages
  - block_parents
  - chain_consensus
  - chain_economics
  - chain_powers
  - chain_rewards
  - derived_gas_outputs
  - drand_block_entries
  - id_addresses
  - internal_messages
  - internal_parsed_messages
  - market_deal_proposals
  - market_deal_states
  - message_gas_economy
  - messages
  - miner_current_deadline_infos
  - miner_fee_debts
  - miner_infos
  - miner_locked_funds
  - miner_pre_commit_infos
  - miner_sector_deals
  - miner_sector_events
  - miner_sector_infos
  - miner_sector_posts
  - multisig_approvals
  - multisig_transactions
  - parsed_messages
  - power_actor_claims
  - receipts
  - verified_registry_verified_clients
  - verified_registry_verifiers
  - mainnet

GCP BigQuery

We now offer the BigQuery public dataset: lily-data.lily.

To be able to search for lily-data.lily in BigQuery, you need:

  1. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
  2. Have roles/bigquery.jobUser permission.
  3. In the BigQuery Explorer pane, use the search bar: Search BigQuery resources to find dataset lily-data.lily .

For more Google BigQuery public dataset information, visit


  1. check the pricing in bigquery:

Trouble Shooting

  1. If you can not find the dataset in Bigquery console, set the location to us-east4 in the query setting.
    1. Find the More icon


    2. Click the Query setting


    3. Set the Location type in Advanced options


    4. Run the SQL
